Post-Doctoral Fellows

Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow in Humanities as Social Practice


Divya Nair (PhD, English, University of Pennsylvania, 2021)
“Classical Reception and the Problem of the Color Line in Early Modern English Literature: A Du Boisian Historiography”

Mellon Emerging Areas Post-Doctoral Fellows

In 2015, HRI (then IPRH) received a grant of $2,050,000 from the Mellon Foundation to support the development of emerging areas in the humanities (EAH). The grant sponsored 4 faculty, 6 post-doctoral, and 12 pre-doctoral fellowships, as well as 18 undergraduate internships, to form three research groups that ran consecutively from 2016 to 2022.

2020–22: Legal Humanities

  • Sabeen Ahmed (PhD, Philosophy, Vanderbilt University, 2020)
    “Coloniality and the Racial Ontopolitics of Law: Foucault's Juridical Power Reconsidered"
  • Beverly Fok (PhD, Anthropology, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2020)
    "Kinship of Territories”

2018–20: Environmental Humanities

  • Leah Aronowsky (PhD, History of Science, Harvard University, 2018)
    “Configuring the Planetary Environment as a Scientific Object”
  • Pollyana Rhee (PhD, Architecture, Columbia University, 2018)
    “Designing Natural Advantages: Environmental Visions, Civic Ideals, and Architecture for Community, 1920–1970”

2016–18: Bio-Humanities

  • Rosine Kelz (PhD, Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, 2014)
    “Beyond the human?': Concepts of Humanity, Responsibility, and Agency in Political Theory and Biotechnology”
  • Daniel Liu (PhD, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016)
    “Vision and Calculation of Living Matter”

Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellows

In December 2009, HRI (then IPRH) was awarded a $1.25 million grant from the Mellon Foundation to support post-doctoral fellowships in the humanities; in fall 2010, we welcomed the first two Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellows in the Humanities. The Mellon grant will provide funding for post-doctoral fellowship awards through 2015-16.


  • Nili Belkind
    Music in Conflict: Palestine, Israel and the Politics of Cultural Production


  • Chunghao Pio Kuo
    Animal Matters: Epidemic Diseases, Public Hygiene, and Food Safety in China (1700–1900)
  • Jeannie N. Shinozuka
    Biotic Borderlands: Constituting Race in Transnational Public Health and Agriculture, 1880–1945


  • Aaron Carico
    The Free Plantation: Slavery’s Institution in America, 1865–1940
  • Onni Gust
    Pedagogies and Peripheries: the Governess at the Margins of Empire, c.1760-1860


  • Carla Hustak
    Planting Rhythms: Plant Eugenics, Organic Farming, and Experimental Gardens, 1890-1930
  • Ahalya Satkunaratnam
    Feminist Movement: Bharata Natyam Dance Practice After Sri Lanka’s Civil War


  • Karoline Cook
    Forbidden Crossings: Moriscos and Muslims in Spanish America, 1492-1650
  • Duncan Keenan-Jones
    Water, Society and Environment in Ancient Rome and its Hinterland


  • Patricia Goldsworthy-Bishop
    Colonial Negatives: Muslims and Minorities in Colonial Moroccan Photography
  • Kristine Nielsen
    Reframing Memory and the Inglorious Monuments of the Past in Postwar German Cultural Politics

IPRH Post-Doctoral Fellows in Digital Humanities

In 2009–10 and 2010–11, IPRH awarded Digital Humanities Post-Doctoral Fellowships in conjunction with the Illinois Informatics Institute.


  • Jeff Drouin
    The Ecclesiastical Proust Archive


  • Kristen C. Uszkalo
    Throwing Bones: A Semi-supervised Classification and GIS-based System for Early Modern Witchcraft Trial Documents

LAS Post-Doctoral Fellows

Between fall 2002 and spring 2007 IPRH awarded 9 external post-doctoral fellowships supported by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.


  • Elizabeth B. Boyd
    Southern Beauty: Performing Region on the Feminine Body


  • Erica Lehrer
    “Shoah-business,” Holocaust Culture, and Salvage Ethnography in a Post-Jewish Landscape: An Inquiry into the Ethnic Self after Genocide
  • Robert A. Yelle
    Legal Fictions: Genealogies of Law, Religion, and Rhetoric


  • Becky Conekin
    Taste Matters: A History of the Notion of Taste in 19th and 20th Century Britain and the United States
  • Jonathan R. Moore
    The Devil Went Down to Hoopeston: Pagans, Cornjerkers, and American Identity


  • Lisa Marie Cacho
    Telling Ghost Stories: Knowing Ourselves Through Others’ Historical Hauntings
  • Darren Mulloy
    Violence and the American Militia Movement


  • Elizabeth Duquette
    Successful Conversions: The Problems of Moral Allegiance in Postbellum America
  • Sophia Mihic
    The American South as Ghetto, The Politics of “Race” in the United States as Problem