Event Grants
Between 2010 and 2013, IPRH invited proposals for funding public events through both the Collaborative Research Project Award program and the Event Grant program. Both programs have since been discontinued in favor of other research support programs.
2013-14 Event Grant Recipients
Lecture and Panel: “Rethinking American Opera: A Lecture and Panel Discussion Featuring Composer William Bolcom”
- Gayle Magee (Music)
Speaker Events: AsiaLENS Engagement Programs — Mulberry Child and The Revolutionary
- Elizabeth Oyler (Director, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies; Director, Illinois Japan Performing Arts Network; Associate Professor, Japanese)
- Jason Finkelman (Director, Global Arts Performance Initiatives, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts)
Conference: Women’s and Gender History Graduate Symposium
- Deidre Ruscitti and Stefan Kosovych (grads, history)
- Faculty Advisor: Antoinette Burton (History)
Lecture: Sally Engle Merry (Anthropology, Law and Society, New York University), “The Seductions of Quantification: Human Rights, Trafficking, and the Rise of Indicator Culture”
- Jessica Greenberg (Anthropology)
- Soo Ah Kwon (Asian American Studies and Human & Community Development)
Conference: “Sepharad as imagined community: language, culture and religion from the early modern period to the 21st century”
- José I. Hualde (Dept. of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese & Dept. of Linguistics, UIUC)
- Mahir Şaul (Dept. of Anthropology, UIUC)
Lecture and Visit: Uma Mesthrie (University of Western Cape), “Biographies and Liberation History in South Africa: Approaches and Contestations”
- Antoinette Burton (History)
Symposium: Textures of Technology: Film Production and Aesthetics
- Lilya Kaganovsky (Slavic Languages and Literatures, and Comparative and World Literature)
- Anna Stenport (Germanic Languages and Literatures)
- Julie Turnock (Media and Cinema Studies)
Speaker Series with Graduate Workshops: Interventions in Inter-Asian Studies
- Christine Peralta (Graduate Student, History)
- Mark Sanchez (Graduate Student, History)
- Marie Tessa Winkelmann (History)
- Constancio Arnaldo Jr. (Doctoral Candidate, Anthropology)
- Utathya Chattopadhyaya (Graduate Student, History)
Faculty Sponsor
- Antoinette Burton (History)
Towards a National Cold War Monuments and Environmental Heritage Trail
- Kevin Hamilton (Art + Design)
- Ryan Griffis (Art + Design)
Diasporic Memories, Comparative Methodologies: A Workshop of the Network in Transnational Memory Studies (NITMES)
- Michael Rothberg (English and Director of the Initiative in Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies)
Performance: U.S. Premiere of Chocolate Woman Dreams the Milky Way, by Monique Mojica
- LeAnne Howe (American Indian Studies, English, Theatre)
- Brenda Farnell (Anthropology and American Indian Studies)
Symposium: Hip Hop and Punk Feminisms: Genealogy, Theory, Performance
- Ruth Nicole Brown (Gender and Women’s Studies, Education Policy, Organization & Leadership)
- Karen C. Flynn (Gender and Women’s Studies and African American Studies)
- Mimi Thi Nguyen (Gender and Women’s Studies and Asian American Studies)
- Fiona I. B. Ngô (Asian American Studies and Gender and Women’s Studies)
- Susan Livingston (PhD candidate in Art Education)
Symposium: Global Environmental Histories from Below: Indigenous, Agrarian and Vernacular Knowledge
- Robert Morrissey (History)
- Roderick Wilson (History and East Asian Languages and Cultures)
Lecture: Mathias Risse (Philosophy and Public Policy, Harvard University) “On the Significance of Humanity’s Collective Ownership of the Earth for Immigration”
- Merle Bowen (Political Science and Center for African Studies)
- Robert McKim (Religion and Philosophy), Colleen Murphy (Philosophy and WGGP)
2012-13 Event Grant Recipients
Lecture: Leti Volpp (Law, University of California – Berkeley) “The Settler's Alibi” (Large Grant)
- Eugene Avrutin (History)
- Shao Dan (EALC), Nuno Garoupa (Law)
- Feisal Mohamed (English), Siobhan Somerville (English/GWS) Co-Sponsorship Grant Awards
Second International Meeting of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (APMP)
- Andrew Peter Arana (Philosophy)
Early Russian Itineraries: Movement and the Space of the Russian Empire—Fisher Forum 2013
- John Randolph (History/REEEC), Rachel D. Koroloff (History)
Symposium: History from Below: E.P. Thompson’s The Making of the English Working Class (1963), Fifty Years On
- Antoinette Burton (History)
Ethnicity, Citizenship and Human Rights in Burma: The History and Plight of the Rohingya
- Valerie J. Hoffman (CSAMES Director, Religion)
- Robert McKim (Religion and Philosophy)
Lecture: John McFarlane (Philosophy, University of California – Berkeley)“Objective and Subjective Oughts”
- Peter Nathan Lasersohn (Linguistics and Philosophy)
- Daniel Korman (Philosophy)
Lecture: Sidney Tarrow “The Dark Side of Internationalism: Transnational Terrorism and the Internationalization of Repression”
- Asef Bayat (Sociology and Middle Eastern Studies)
- Colin Flint (Geography)
- Edward A. Kolodziej (Global Studies and Political Science)
- Markus S. Schulz (Sociology; Latin American & Caribbean Studies; Media & Cinema Studies)
- Lesley Wexler (Law)
Lecture: Simon J. James (Durham University) “H.G. Wells’s The First Men in the Moon”
- Valerie Hotchkiss (Director of The Rare Book & Manuscript Library),
- Marten Stromberg (Visiting Curator & Visiting Assistant Professor, RBSC Library)
Symposium: The Collecting Impulse, a Graduate Symposium
- Lauren Applebaum (Art History)
- Alice Heeren (Art History)
- Miriam Kienle (Art History)
- Ellen Martin (Art History)
- Xinran Yuan (Studio Art)
Faculty Sponsors
- Jennifer Greenhill (Assistant Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Art History)
- Lisa Rosenthal (Associate Professor, Art History)
Featured Speaker
- Professor Bill Brown
Symposium: “The Micropolitics of Small-Town Life in Eastern Europe” — CAS/MillerComm lecture and international symposium
- Eugene M. Avrutin (History/ Jewish Culture and Society)
2011-12 Collaborative Research Project Award Recipients
American Literatures, American Religions: Perspectives on the Future of the Humanities
- Jonathan Ebel (Religion)
- Justine S. Murison (English)
Featured Speakers
- W. Clark Gilpin (Margaret E. Burton Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of the History of Christianity and Theology in the Divinity School, University of Chicago)
- Tracy Fessenden (Religion and Literature, Arizona State University)
- Michael Warner (English, Yale University)
Empirical and Experimental Approaches to Politeness and Impoliteness
- Marina Terkourafi (Linguistics)
- Kiel Christianson (Educational Psychology/Beckman Institute)
- Andrea Golato (Germanic Languages and Literatures)
- Zsuzsanna Fagyal (French)
- Anna Maria Escobar (Spanish, Italian and Portuguese)
- Tania Ionin (Linguistics)
- Duane Watson (Psychology)
Featured Speakers
- Kate Beeching (University of the West of England)
- Jean-François Bonnefon (CNRS, Toulouse)
- Holly Cashman (University of New Hampshire)
- Jonathan Culpeper (Lancaster University)
- Thomas Holtgraves (Ball State University)
- Bruce Fraser (Boston University)
The Medieval Globe
- Elizabeth Oyler (East Asian Languages and Cultures)
- D. Fairchild Ruggles (Landscape Architecture)
- Eleonora Stoppino (Spanish, Italian and Portuguese)
- Carol Symes (History)
Featured Speakers
- Jonathan Conant (Brown University)
- Kathleen Davis (University of Rhode Island)
- Margot Fassler (University of Notre Dame)
- Geraldine Heng (University of Texas at Austin)
- Sharon Kinoshita (University of California at Santa Cruz)
- Elizabeth Lambourn (Stanford University and DeMontfort University, England)
- Carla Nappi (University of British Columbia)
- Michael Puett (Harvard University)
- Christian Raffensperger (Wittenberg University)
- Nicolás Wey-Gómez (California Institute of Technology)
The Odyssey Project Seminar Series
- Dale Bauer (English)
- Cris Mayo (Education Policy, Organization and Leadership)
- Spencer Schaffner (English/Writing Studies)
Featured Speaker
- Emily Auerbach (Director of Odyssey Program and English, University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Queer Performance Series
- Martin Manalansan (Anthropology/Asian American Studies)
- Jennifer Monson (Dance)
- Chantal Nadeau (Gender and Women’s Studies)
- Richard T. Rodríguez (Latina and Latino Studies/English)
- Siobhan Somerville (English/Gender and Women’s Studies)
Featured Speakers
- Jennifer Miller
- Carmelita Tropicana
2010-11 Collaborate Research Project Award Recipients
The Internationalization of U of I Undergraduates: Conceptualizing a Transforming University
- Nancy Abelmann (Anthropology/East Asian Languages and Cultures)
- Rakesh Bhatt (Linguistics)
- Nick Burbules (Educational Policy Studies)
- Tim Cain (Educational Organization and Leadership)
- Fred Davidson (Linguistics)
- Kristin Hoganson (History)
- Esther Kim Lee (Theatre/Asian American Studies)
- Soo Ah Kwon (Asian American Studies)
- Adrienne Lo (Anthropology)
- Peter Mortensen (English)
- Kent Ono (Asian American Studies/Media and Cinema Studies)
- Yoon Pak (Educational Policy Studies)
- Cathy Prendergast (English)
Featured Speakers
- Katharyne Mitchell (Geography, University of Washington)
- Professor Paul Kramer (History, Vanderbilt University)
- Paul Kei Matsuda (English and Applied Linguistics, Arizona State University)
- Vanessa Fong (Graduate School of Education, Harvard University)
Shostakovich: The Quartets in Context
- Michael Finke (Slavic)
- Donna Buchanan (Musicology/Anthropology)
- Karl Kramer (Music)
- Harriet Murav (Slavic/Comparative and World Literatures)
- Carl Niekerk (Germanic Languages and Literatures)
- Maureen Reagan (KCPA)
Featured Speakers
- Richard Taruskin (Berkeley)
- Simon Morrison (Princeton University)
- Laurel Fay (independent scholar)
Atomic Light in the Public Light: Viewing America’s Nuclear Test Films
- Kevin Hamilton (Art and Design)
- Ned O'Gorman (Communication)
- Colin Flint (Geography)
Featured Speakers
- Megan Prelinger (co-founder, Prelinger Library)
- Dr. Byron Ristvet (Defense Threat Reduction Agency)
- Peter Kuran (Visual Concept Entertainment)
Race, Region, and Sexual Diasporas
- Martin F. Manalansan IV (Anthropology/Asian American Studies)
- Chantal Nadeau (Gender and Women's Studies)
- Richard T. Rodriguez (English/Latina and Latino Studies)
- Siobhan B. Somerville (English/Gender and Women's Studies)
Featured Speaker
- Bill Johnson-Gonzalez (English, DePaul University)
- Omise'eke Natasha Tinsley (English/African American & African Studies, University of Minnesota)
- Eithne Luibhéid (Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Arizona)